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Frequently Asked Questions
If you have more questions, don't hestiate to give us a call
These FAQs and tips are provided as helpful advice only; we are not responsible for any damages or injuries. If ever in doubt, always call a certified electrician.
Before attempting any work, ensure that the power is turned off to prevent the risk of electric shock.
Saving Energy
BC Hydro is only going to charge you for the electricity you use. There are many things you can do to help save electricity and reduce your bill.
For example, electric hot water tanks are less efficient than gas ones, if you have and older electric water heater then consider and upgrade.
Monitor your electricity use, turn off lights and devices when not using them.
Change your lighting to more efficient bulbs Replace light switches with motion detectors in room to automatically turn light on and off.
Try to make use of natural lighting whenever possible
Switch to more efficient LED holidays lights. Change old incandescent lights, older fixtures and appliances to newer more efficient ones.
You can find many other great energy saving tips at